Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Hot and dry

I am back on the farm after spending 17 days in Peoria helping out Megan and Andy get settled into their routine with a new baby and Drew and Kayley.  Like any grandma I adore my new grandchild!  It was very hard to leave them but it was made easier knowing that we are going to spend the 4th of July holiday there with them all.  Matt will be joining us so that makes it even better.

Mark and I have been very busy since I returned.  More rock picking was on the agenda and we are finally finished with that rather back breaking chore!  He is happy to have it done.  The weather is really hot and no rain in our foreseeable future.  Tomorrow we might hit 100 degrees.  It could be a long, hot and dry summer.  Our crops will not appreciate that.

This fall we are remodeling the outside of our home which includes new siding so we decided to tear down the deck.  It was old and weather worn but it was still very hard to see it go.  My extended family has lots of memories spent on that deck with Mom and Dad.  As sister Sharon said, nothing lasts forever, and I guess that is true.  I don't think we will put up another deck.  We are looking at putting in a ground level patio instead.  I like the view from my patio doors now with the deck gone so I think I will be happy with that option.  My biggest challenge, being blonde and all, is to NOT step out the patio door this summer!  That first step would be a definite leg breaker!  

Good-bye dear deck!

Getting closer. 

Megan said that Ryan is doing well but giving them a bit of awake time during the night.  I think that is common for most parents but Drew and Kayley really didn't wake up/stay up all that much as infants so this is something new for them.  As I write this he is probably already sleeping longer at night!  I cannot wait to see that little boy in one week.  He has probably already changed from when I saw him!  I think I better start looking at flights from Phoenix to Peoria a bit more often this winter!
Ryan Matthew very content

Drew and Kayley love holding Ryan when they get home from school

Drew ready to head to the diamond for his first t-ball game

I want to hold him!

Kayley checking on her baby brother

Megan is trying headbands to try to teach her scissors shorn hair to do what it is supposed to do!

One more of Ryan

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

We have a new grandson, Ryan Matthew!

June 6th was a very great day as we welcomed the newest grandchild into our family.  Ryan Matthew was born around 7:50 a.m. and weighed 8 lbs.  He is another bit of a miracle baby.  Read our daughter Megan's blog listed on the right side called Kayley's Story.  She explains it all very well and has more pictures of this blessed event!

June 5th was Mark's birthday and we had spent the morning picking up rocks.  When we came in at noon Megan called and wondered if there was any chance I could drive to Peoria and help with Drew and Kayley as she thought they would be having a baby fairly soon.  I said YES!  I showered and jumped in the car (after wishing Mark a quick happy birthday!) and drove the 5 hours to Peoria.  Megan spent that night in the hospital and was scheduled for a C section at 7:30 the following morning.  

I dropped Drew and Kayley off at pre-school and headed to the hospital to meet my new grandson.  I didn't have to wait long and was able to watch the nurses clean him up and check him out.  He was perfect and beautiful.  What more can a grandma wish for?!?!?

Matt and Mark drove to Peoria this past week-end to help Kayley celebrate her 4th birthday on the 9th and to meet Ryan.  It was a fun and exciting time!  I am still in Peoria and will stay until next Thursday when Megan is cleared to drive again.  It will probably be hard to tear myself away from the three grandchildren but we are all coming back for the 4th of July holiday so that won't be long.  Ha, about only a week for me!  :-)

Some pics and video from the past week:

Meeting Ryan:

Drew at one of his first T-Ball practices

Drew loosens up his throwing arm

No balls come to me so I will put sand in my glove

Ryan Matthew Thiel.  Isn't he cute?

Happy 4th Birthday, Kayley!