Sox and I take Drew for a walk every morning. Megan and Andy of course have a regular stroller but they also have a jogging stroller and it is wonderful for long walks and traveling over different terrain. I cannot really "jog" with him until he is at least 6 months old so we only go for brisk walks, no running for another 3 months. :-)
The pictures show what the jogging stroller look like and also Drew's shirt in honor of his father today. There is a grandma shirt and it is going on Drew very soon!
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Now that it's snowing outside, I sure wish that I could go walking with you and Drew!! No one in their right mind should live in Iowa......hug that little boy for me! Susan
Wow, it is snowing there? Good grief, I am rather glad I am here! On our walks I wear a long sleeve sunshirt because it is so intense. I really would rather wear a sunshirt as compared to a parka......Keep warm you Iowans. It "will" get better!! Now, I have to go give him that hug!
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