Kayley had tonsil/adenoid surgery scheduled for Monday so Saturday I left for Peoria to lend a hand in her recovery. The surgery went well but the recovery, not so much. The doctor said her tonsils were the size of ping pong balls and the adenoids half that size. Those were some super big tonsils for such a little mouth and head! She had the surgery at around 10:30 on Monday and they said she could go home as soon as she drank 4 ounces. By late afternoon/early evening it was obvious she was not going to do it. She had drunk 0 ounces. :-( There was no choice but to admit her and get an IV started so she would not become dehydrated. All day Tuesday we worked on getting her to drink. By that evening she had taken around 10 ounces of various liquids. (We had a VAST array of choices for her!!) I would not call them "easy" ounces. We all worked hard for those few sips! Wednesday she was feeling a bit better and they decided to release her as they think she will do better at home. Since we have been home, she has been sipping but taking her meds is a nightmare, and this from a little gal that always took medicine without complaint. I am sure the feeling in her throat is not helping. Andy's been given the task of administering her meds. Lucky Dad, but he is the only one strong enough to get them down her! Megan and Andy were told it is about a 2 week recovery. I never realized it was such a major surgery, at least the recovery period anyway. Oh well, we are praying Kayley keeps properly hydrated.
Update: Today Kayley was....remarkable! She took her meds in a cup on her own. Big advancement! She had scrambled eggs for lunch and cottage cheese for a "snack", along with black olives. Thank goodness Kayley likes foods like that because they are soft!
Some pics and one video:
Looking happy, happy before leaving for the hospital! |
Still looking good in pre-op |
A bit out of it following surgery |
Forcing a smile in the hospital....still not drinking any liquids, though. |
Working on drinking...anything! |
YAY!!!! |
This is her position when Andy said "time for your meds"! |
Having fun decorating a pumpkin in the play room |
The look we got when we said "drink Kayley"!!!! |
Happy we are leaving her alone! |
Super glad to have brother Drew visit |
Ah, laying in bed watching Mickey Mouse. Life is good!!!
This shows how we tried to get her to drink! :-)
1 comment:
This was a big surgery. I had my tonsils out at age 24 and thought it was awful. I had the ability to understand that the pain was temporary. Poor Kayley probably doesn't know what to think about the ordeal! I'm sure all of the pain will be worth it after all is said and done.
I remember Dad telling me about getting his tonsils out when he was in elementary school. He sat in a chair and was awake. No ether...no nothing. He hated it too! Sue
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