A new car is not a big deal to most people. But, to the Swanson's it is a very rare deal for sure. In our 32 years of marriage we have had only four cars. The Grand Prix was our last purchase which was nine years ago and 150,000 miles later! I have been researching cars for about a month and have had a yearning for the new Camry Hybrid on the market. Des Moines dealer told me it would be a three month wait for a Hybrid, as they are made only in Japan, shipped over here and sold out the minute they arrive. I was not willing to wait that long as we need it to drive to AZ for the birth of our grandson in January. On a lark yesterday I drove to Ft. Dodge Ford/Toyota dealer and they had the exact one I was wanting. White, fully loaded right up to the heated leather seats that I WON'T need in AZ. :-) I knew it wouldn't sit in the lot very long so they let me drive it back to the farm yesterday to show Mark and let him drive it. We both fell in love with it and bought it this morning. MPG are listed at 38 highway and 40 city, which is where the battery section kicks in the most. I also wanted the Navigation system, as I will be lost in the Valley driving around and know that this will be extremely helpful to us in locating Home Depots, restaurants, Babie R Us, etc. :-) It also has seven airbags virtually protecting everyone riding in the vehicle. Rated one of the safest cars for crashes and whiplash. We are going to try a new strategy of trading every 2-4 years, depending on mileage. The Grand Prix was a great car and caused us not one headache but with this Hybrid I cannot say that I will miss the old red flash!