Wednesday, October 28, 2009

One week later

Another week passed by so quickly that I haven't had time to update! Everything is good here. The weather is cooling down nicely into the 80's and it makes outdoor time possible all day long for the kids. That is good because they dearly love to be outside getting as dirty as possible. Today a front of some sort is moving through the valley and the high is only going to be 61. Brrr!!! No shorts today! Hope it moves out quickly and gets back to the 80's. :-)

Mark has had even more rain to complicate his harvest schedule. At least the beans are out. Sister Jan told me farmers near them in MN still have beans in the field and that they are beginning to swell and rot. How horrible for those people!

Monday night we met my nephew Erik and niece Lisa and her son Taylor for dinner at Peter Piper Pizza. It was great to see them and Drew and Kayley had fun. It is much nicer than Chuck E. Cheese and the pizza was actually good! We might have to haul grandpa to this place when he arrives.

Megan and I hiked Saturday morning and then they all came to my place to watch the very thrilling Iowa Hawkeye game against Michigan State. What a game! We were so very happy and were jumping and shouting at the last touch down and scared poor Kayley!

This week-end is Halloween so need to buy some candy. Last year the only one that stopped at my place was Drew, so I don't need to buy a lot of treats! Drew is supposed to go as Thomas the tank engine but he is balking at putting on the outfit. It is so cute so I hope he puts it on that night. I may, or may NOT, have pictures of him in it next week. :-)