Happy Wednesday to all. My former co-workers at school have very few workdays left before summer break. I cannot believe an entire school year has transpired since my retirement. It seems just like yesterday I was laughing with my friends there or complaining about the administration. :-) My life is so completely removed from all that now that it seems unreal. I am loving this retirement business and loving caring for my grandson each day. I will love it completely when Mark gets here after farming is through for the year.
I fly back to Iowa Friday night for a quick week-end visit. I am really excited to see my hubby, my home and to see if my flowers came up or if the weeds took over in my absence! I have a feeling Mark would not let that happen, even though he is so busy farming in between rain storms!
The pics are random shots of a happy Drew. The last two are of him bouncing to Beethoven from a Baby Einstein DVD. :-) It is not hard to get smiling pictures of this little guy. He has a very good disposition as I said before. He still has that instant "feed me" or "put me down for a nap" mood, of course! Enjoy the rest of the week everyone.