Friday, September 12, 2014

One last week-end at Okoboji

I decided to run up to beautiful Lake Okoboji one last time this summer to see my good friends Jim and Nancy.  They will be heading to TX soon and I to AZ, so it was great to get one more visit in before we flee the state!  The weather was drop dead gorgeous so I really lucked out on that.  Also, due to the Clay County Fair, the park was open so lots of action where I thought it would be rather "dead".

I arrived Saturday morning and we went right to work getting Jim's boat cleaned up and ready to put away for the winter.  Nancy and I took a car tour that afternoon and dinner with Barb followed at Tweeters.  Tweeters is a "Hawkeye" sports bar so went there in honor of the squeaked out victory by Iowa that afternoon. 

Sunday Rick and Nadine took Nancy and I on a boat ride and tour of the lake.  I love looking at all the beautiful homes along the shore and dreaming of which one I will buy should I win the lottery.  Ha!

It was a great way to end my summer and I thank the Houchins for their friendship and hospitality!  I will let the pictures of this magical place speak for themselves...

Pizza Ranch CEO building a large home two doors down.  This was formerly Picks Resort.

Dorothy Dockpost....carved by Nancy many years ago!

Another view of the house going up next door.

Baby bald eagle on north shoreline

Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Babysitting in Peoria

Megan and Andy took a belated 10th Anniversary trip to New Orleans over Labor Day Week-end so I drove to Peoria to babysit on Thursday and returned home on Tuesday.  Mark was still busy at the Boxholm farm, getting ready for demolition of the acreage, so I had to go it alone with my three grandchildren!  We got along just fine and had lots of fun.

I picked the kids up from school on Thursday and they thought it was great fun riding home in my new purchase, a Hyundai Sante Fe Sport:
I love it!

Friday morning Megan and Andy left very early for a 6:15 flight to Atlanta, then on to New Orleans.
I managed to get Drew and Kayley off to the school bus on time and I had Ryan at home the rest of the day.  Saturday, Sunday and Monday were very hot and humid so we spent many hours playing in water and also worked in a walk to the park, which proved to be too warm to have much fun there!  We had to eat at my least favorite food joint, MacDonalds, but the three kids thought it was just great.  Ha!  They all were so good these four days, I couldn't have asked anything more of them since I was going it alone.  I have one more trip to Peoria to see Drew play a football game before I pack up the new wheels and head to my winter home.  I will miss them but already have a ticket purchased for a Thanksgiving return!!!  Some pics and a video of our time together:

Ryan hasn't been in the high chair for a long time but insisted for this meal!  Ha!


Grandma bought Kayley a salon chair....just because

Fine dining

Ryan with his new Deere gator

Another beauty salon session

Wheels on the bus video was Ryan's favorite

Ryan playing with a Barbie and pool.  Sorry Andy!