My Mac laptap shucked out it's hard drive over the week-end. This will be the third drive this computer will have as I just put a new drive in last fall. Fortunately, that drive is still under warranty. Unfortunately, I must send the laptop to Heartland Tech Solutions in Ames for the warranty work. I am looking at 10 days to two weeks without a laptop. Yes, I can always use Megan and Andy's as I am doing now, but it is a PC and everyone knows what heartache that brings to a true Mac lover like myself. :-)
I was just recovering from all the sadness of the VT murders and then I get word that my friend and former co-worker's son was critically wounded in Iraq. He is in Bethesda now and dad and brother are there with him. Keep this family in your thoughts and/or prayers, as they need it.
I am beginning my third week of being a nanny to grandson Drew. I am enjoying each and every mintute with him! He still sleeps a couple of hours in the a.m. and afternoon so during those times I try to help the kids out with some housecleaning, laundry and having dinner started for them when they get home. I am thinking I wouldn't have minded something similar when I was their age!! But, I am not a "sitter" and need to be doing something especially if my ritalin hasn't kicked in. :-) Here are some recent snaps of Drew, mommy, etc.
I was just recovering from all the sadness of the VT murders and then I get word that my friend and former co-worker's son was critically wounded in Iraq. He is in Bethesda now and dad and brother are there with him. Keep this family in your thoughts and/or prayers, as they need it.
I am beginning my third week of being a nanny to grandson Drew. I am enjoying each and every mintute with him! He still sleeps a couple of hours in the a.m. and afternoon so during those times I try to help the kids out with some housecleaning, laundry and having dinner started for them when they get home. I am thinking I wouldn't have minded something similar when I was their age!! But, I am not a "sitter" and need to be doing something especially if my ritalin hasn't kicked in. :-) Here are some recent snaps of Drew, mommy, etc.