I had a wonderful time being back on the farm with Mark and family and friends. I got into DM around 3pm on Thursday. Mark and I stopped for a quick bite to eat and it was on to the farm. I got to do something I have missed this summer.....MOW! I know most people abhor that particular task but I have always loved mowing and making the farm look nice. I couldn't believe how great Mark had the place looking. I know first hand how much time that takes and never dreamed he would keep it up with the farming at hand. He did and I noticed little things that looked "better" than when I did them, i.e. the cannas looked great which he says all the rain accomplished but the zinnias looked awesome, too. That flower bed didn't miss me one little bit! I also noticed the shower looked better so that one had me a bit embarrassed. :-) He has done a great job in my absence because that place usually takes two people to keep it going so I know how hard he has worked at it.
Sister Jan from Osakis, MN and good family friend Cyndy from Ankeny arrived Friday afternoon. We grilled kabobs that night and Kevin and Jan and Clayton came for dinner.
Saturday Jan, Mark, Cyndy and I golfed at Gowrie and when we got home Matt was there. It was so wonderful to see him. You will notice a "for sale" sign out in front of our home in one of the pictures, courtesy of Matt. We got a good laugh out of that. Hope he doesn't get any calls on it!! He had just received his real estate license the day before so now will be doing that along with his appraisal business. He is keeping busy!
Brother Larry and nephew Lane, wife Angie and Jacob came on Saturday. It was getting to be a regular family reunion. So fun to see all of them.
Brother Kevin brought his Harley over and we all took the opportunity for photo ops, but no one was brave enough to ride it!
Saturday night we had a bonfire and hot dog roast and Sunday we drove in to see Jan and Clayton's new home in Dayton and also stopped out at the carnival. We could have passed on that pit stop. :-) That evening Mark grilled all of us ribeyes, courtesy of Jan and Larry. Everyone left Monday morning and I had a 2:50 flight out of DM so had to leave the farm around 12:30 for that.
On arrival in Phoenix little Drew had sprouted his first two teeth while I was in Iowa. Geesh, can't be away from them for a day and they change. :-) I am now back in granny nanny mode today. I hope all of you had a wonderful last holiday of the summer. The weather in Iowa will start noticeably changing and here in Phoenix everyone is looking for "good" weather to soon appear. AZ has another month of really hot weather then the good stuff comes. Mark and I will get to enjoy that good weather together after harvest. Nice things to look forward to....
I hope you enjoy the pictures. I naturally had to throw in a picture of Drew from this morning.
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