I took Mark to the airport this morning for an early flight back to Des Moines. We had a great time while he was here and look forward to his return in less than two weeks! We visited Kayley often in the NICU, baby sat Drew and found time for ourselves, too. Sunday we went with Arne and Sharon to see Mamma Mia (the movie). If you have not seen it, you are missing out on a rousing good time, great music and a general feel great movie. I enjoyed it so much I am buying the DVD when it comes out so I can pop it in when I am in need of a pick-me-up!
Kayley is still doing great. Almost 6 1/2 pounds now. Last hurdle is drinking from the bottle/breast completely with no feeding tube helping her. She is definitely getting the hang of it and last night took 31 cc's for her daddy. She took 15 for me earlier so she is improving each feeding. I would think when she is strictly getting her nourishment from the bottle/breast she will be getting her walking papers. :-) How exciting will that be? Her room is ready and waiting for her arrival......