We started right in working on our garage. I am painting it and he is going to put up lots of shelving so we can get our junk off the floor and allow us to get both vehicles put away at night. We are taking a break this afternoon and putting up Christmas lights outdoors. This neighborhood gets very festive so we don't want to look like old scrooges!
This morning I hiked North Mountain once again. I really enjoy the challenge of this trail and see lots of familiar faces now. They have a small desert tree near the top that the hikers decorate for Christmas every year so today I brought a snowman ornament up and hung it. (See pics below). My broken little toe is still killing me so I am still unable to get in my hiking boots. Thank god for Teva sandals! Mark thinks I am doing nothing to help my toe heal by hiking every day. I am sure he has a point. :-)
Yesterday we purchased tickets to the Insight Bowl here in Tempe since the Iowa Hawkeyes are playing. We have never been to a Hawkeye bowl game so couldn't turn this down. After purchasing we learn their star receiver was arrested on a drug charge and won't be playing. :-( That kid probably just lost a lucrative career in the NFL and is headed for the pen instead. So sad.
Well, that is all for updating. I will tell more later when I know more!