Well, so much for Mark leaving from Omaha today for Phoenix. An "historic" blizzard (according to the news) hit Iowa today and my poor husband couldn't even get to Omaha. Thank goodness he is safe and sound at home. He would have been caught right in the middle of it. 14+ inches, horrendous winds and temps. Gosh, I do not miss that crappy weather at all. I am praying the roads will be clear enough by tomorrow afternoon for him to get to Matt's home in Omaha. He would then be able to leave Friday morning for WARM weather. Grandma and the kids are waiting for you!
The weather has been a bit on the unpleasant side here, too. High winds wreaked havoc on trees and power lines Monday night. That was probably a precursor to Iowa's weather on Tuesday and today.
Since it has been cool we have spent the majority of the time indoors. The video shows you how antsy everyone is to get back outside...
Pics of Drew talking to Grandpa Mark today...he even has grandpa's gestures! A picture of Kayley by the tree...she loves that tree!