Mark and I have been very busy these past two weeks having fun in the sun! We enjoyed two spring baseball games, spent two days at the LPGA tournament, hiking several times (me), and another trip to the horse track on a bright sunny day. The last two days have been the exact opposite of the last month. Very cold, much needed rain in the desert and even hail and thunder. I thought I was back in Iowa except it was nicer in Dayton than it was here Sunday and Monday! The weather is turning back to warm sunshine today.
This afternoon I hop on a plane to go visit Drew and Kayley. I am excited. Mark is staying here. Andy and his brother Mitch are coming to attend spring baseball games and Mark will be their host while I go see my grandchildren. It will be great to see them and also Megan and Matt. Matt is driving over to Peoria on Thursday and staying through Monday morning. I fly back on the 27th to Phoenix.
Mark will leave for Iowa the first week in April. I am still contemplating on what day I will leave. The weather in Iowa will be a huge factor for me. If it continues on its present pattern I don't think I will be far behind!
Some pics from all our fun:
Up high on a recent hike by our home |
White Sox spring training stadium in Glendale |
At the horse track |
A view from another hike |
Putting on the 18th at the LPGA |
Padres/Mariners spring training stadium |
Hail on our patio! |