Now, I am not exactly sure what Drew thinks about that but life as he knew it is....over. :-) Megan and Andy got the call today that they were discharging Kayley today. All of us were overjoyed, them more than me. I am working on a scratchy throat and stuffed up which I think is either allergies or sinus but I could not take a chance that it might be a cold so I had to sit today out and let Grandpa get in on all the fun of her coming home. I cannot begin to tell you how hard that was for me but as Megan said, I will be seeing plenty of Kayley in the future. Mark flies back to Iowa in the morning so it was a blessing that he got to see her come home today before he leaves. I told Megan to take plenty of video of her leaving her "home" of three months and entering her true home so will put that up later this week. Some pics of grandpa, mom and dad tonight with them all at HOME!! All I can say is this is a grand day!!