They have a lovely and big home. The kids were so excited to be in all that space after two months in a hotel room! They came home from day care on Monday and just ran all around the house.
I took a few pictures and one video but failed to take any outside pictures. Duh. I know they have some so maybe they will send them to me to post. Hint, hint....
Also put up two pictures of Kayley after she was bitten on BOTH cheeks at day care. Life with grandma was never that rough! :-) She was fine and the marks disappeared quickly. Kayley has been known to bite Drew once in awhile so I think Megan was relieved to hear that it wasn't her doing the biting at school. :-)
They have a really nice kitchen with "soon to be new" counter top and appliances coming. Lots of cupboard space, too. There's also a picture of Drew in his new big boy bed that has Thomas the train bedding. :-) He loves his new bed!