Thursday, June 27, 2013

Babysitting in Peoria

I spent 5 nights in Peoria babysitting for Megan and Andy so they could have some fun in Nashville.  I arrived a week ago Wednesday and they left Thursday at noon.  Drew, Kayley, Ryan and I had a marvelous time.  We spent a lot of time in the pool due to hot temps.  We also had to look out the window many times for approaching storms but made it through  those, too.  I was able to attend another Drew BB game, always fun!

I am now back on the farm and we really cannot believe the year we are having.  Mark, just today, planted his final bean field.  June27!   I am sure that will be a bumper crop!  Ha!  My garden looks good and healthy, though!  :-)

We are heading back to Peoria for the 4th and Matt will join us there.  This has become our new 4th of July destination....great fireworks on the Illinois River.  Sunday we will be bringing Drew and Kayley home with us to the farm for a week so are very excited about that.  Best get the golf cart charged and Pirates Bay inflated.  I do believe there are many rocks in the fields so hope they still think that is a great time!  Ha!

Some videos and pics of my time with my grandchildren:
He is getting ready to put a hot dog on his new grill

Drew and Kayley have new golf clubs

Ryan watching his siblings in their pool

I love raspberries!

I also love my own pool

                                         Ryan wasn't too sure about his first pool but soon learned to love it!