Kayley is making great progress. She loves solid foods, especially carrots and sweet potatoes. They have some concerns that she might be allergic to certain foods because she gets very red cheeks after certain items. She had a GI specialist appointment this week and they discussed trying several different options with her bottle feeding and eating in general. We are even practicing with a cut out cup trying to eventually eliminate her hated bottle all together. She has made huge strides since entering this world way too early last June and we all marvel at how fortunate we are that she is doing so well. Oh, and did I mention that she is really, really cute and very sweet? :-)
Mark spends time fixing odd things around the house and going to the driving range. We are golfing with Andy this afternoon so we are looking forward to that. Yesterday morning Sharon and I hiked Pinnacle Peak and it was a perfect day to do that hike. In the afternoon we watched Drew and Kayley while Megan and Andy went to see David Copperfield perform and then go out for dinner.
Hope you all had a good week, too!
Video of Drew in action:
Video of Kayley playing outdoors. Can you guess what happened to grandma in this video? All I can say is that it hurt! (Hint: VERY strong tail)