....or maybe not! Megan gave Drew some rice cereal Saturday night for the first time. It was quite hilarious watching his facial contortions as he tested the stuff. All in all he did quite well but they decided he likes the milk better at this stage in life. He is a bit of a tongue thruster still so she may try in another couple of weeks or so. It is amazing how different it is now compared to when I was raising Matt and Megan. They encourage nothing but milk until 4-6 months. Mark and I had Matt and Megan on cereal at 2-3 weeks and full feed 2-3 months after that! I am amazed my kids even made it to adult status the way I must have done everything wrong. :-) The worst had to be riding in a vehicle "back then". I have included a picture of Drew in my car......when my kids were little we had a full sized van, playpen in the cargo area, toys and snacks tossed in with them. We could have driven across country in that setup and they wouldn't have uttered a peep. When we braked, they simply took a fun nose dive into the netting of the play pen and went back to playing. Can you imagine how horribly unsafe that must have been??!!!! But, that was the way it was in the dark ages!! :-) I will admit that the seat they purchased for my car makes WAY better sense. Especially in Phoenix traffic......toto, we are not in Iowa anymore.