I officially have that title since August 20th, when I came to Peoria, IL to babysit our newest grandson, Ryan. He is a sweet little thing (aren't they all?) and I am loving my duties. Megan had to return to work after maternity leave ended and we decided a couple more months at home before day care began was just what Ryan needed. :-)
It has been a hectic two weeks. Kayley (age 4) started Pre-K and Drew began his school days as a Kindergarten student at Hickory Grove Elementary. He was a little "iffy" about Kindergarten and the whole bus riding thing, but after two days he was in the groove and loving his new role as student. They are growing up quickly!
Megan and family and I took off for the farm for the Labor Day Week-end on Friday. It was fun but too short. Matt also drove to the farm for the week-end. We did our usual golf cart rides, lawn mower rides, picking tomatoes, hitting baseballs and ending with the rodeo parade. The kids had a great time and look forward to another visit to the farm next summer.
Some pics and videos from our past couple of weeks....
Uncle Matt with two of his favorite kids! |
Drew waiting patiently for the bus |
Ryan waiting for his dinner |
It took him a LONG time, but Drew finally made 20 baskets |
Kayley playing on Grandpa's big tire |
Matt and Drew hauling in the candy |
Kayley and Drew loved the parade. So did Andy.... |
Their candy waves |
Kayley discovered a very old rocking horse in the shed and fell in love with this horse |