Megan has tried 3 week-ends in a row to get Drew's pictures taken and finally got the job done yesterday. The first time Drew was having stranger anxiety and no really good pics could be found. The second appt. found Drew fighting a bit of a cold and runny nose so it was cancelled. The third time (yesterday) I went with her to Babies R Us for the photo shoot and things went much better. He was a little timid at first but then got a tad more comfortable with the photographer and put out a few smiles. I have added them here.
The week-end here has brought cooler temps, low 80's and quite nice. I even "thought" about putting on something warmer to grill last night, but decided that shorts and flip flops were still comfortable. :-)
I went for a long walk yesterday and plan to do so again today with Drew. (There is a Cardinals home game and I am babysitting from 10:00 on today). Drew and I are going to drive up to Terravita this afternoon and hike around there with sister Sharon. The terrain is such that Drew's jogging stroller should work fine IF I can fit it in my Camry. May have to take a tire off to squeeze it in, though!
Mark is busy chopping stalks and ripping the ground. I hope the weather continues to "hold" in Iowa so he can get those jobs completed!
Well, wishing everyone a very enjoyable Sunday and have a good week.