No, not Minnesota. Iowa could now hold that nickname. I have been back at the farm since June 28th and cannot believe how many ponds there are in the fields. Mark is trying to replant them right now. Such a growing season we are having!
Came home for the 4th of July and also for nephew John's wedding on the 28th. Jan just left today for Osakis. Her son Stan and wife Heather and son Micah returned on Monday. My niece Britt and hubby Tom came down Friday with their girls and left Sunday afternoon. Hayley, Olivia and Carley have grown so much and are just a beautiful as ever. I hated to see them go. Hopefully they are coming back in October for Katie and Dan's wedding. Another fun time to look forward to with my family!
Granddaughter Kayley is doing great. I cannot wait to see her when I return to Phoenix on July 6th. I may even get to hold her for the very first time. How exciting is that?!?! I have to admit that I really am missing little Drew and his smile, too.
Jan mowed our lawn yesterday while I cleaned up the flower beds and garden. It looks just beautiful right now. We drove around in the golf cart last night and admired our hard work. :-) I had to take ibuprofen this morning due to a bit much digging and hoeing for one day. Not as young as I used to be. :-)
Pictures are from my time here on the farm. The little guy is Micah. He is exactly one month older than Drew. I cannot wait to see them together sometime. Two cutie pies.