Saturday, March 19, 2011

Beautiful week-end

Today was simply gorgeous!  Not too hot, not too cool, just perfect.  I could take 365 days a year of this stuff!    To make it even better, our niece Lisa and her sons Nick and Taylor came for a late lunch and visit.  It was so great to see them!  Her sons are getting so mature.  Taylor will even be driving soon!  I joked and told him I was glad I would be back in Iowa when he gets his license!  I don't envy parents out here in all this traffic.  I was worried when Matt and Megan got their license and there were hardly any cars on the road in rural Iowa! 

Yesterday Mark and I attended an LPGA event in Scottsdale.  I would like to go again tomorrow for the final round but doubt we will.  Instead we will go to the driving range and practice what we learned from those very talented young ladies.  :-)  Actually the only thing I learned was I cannot wear golf outfits like they wear!  LOL 

Our son-in-law and his brother are flying to Phoenix on Wednesday to attend spring training games for a few days.  We are really looking forward to having them here and it should liven up our household during their stay!  Thursday Andy bought us all tickets for the Cubs/White Sox game in Mesa so that should be a fun afternoon. 

Well, not a lot more has happened around here so will close.  I do have two pics from Lisa's visit today.  One has Mark in the picture and one has Nick in the photo.