Mark and I have been having a great time watching Drew, doing more little things to the town house, etc. Drew is still the dream baby, so easy to care for and love. I can hardly recall the last time he has cried for anything over 10 seconds. Happy, happy little boy! I read yesterday how Baby Einstein videos may be producing Baby Homer Simpsons instead of Baby Einsteins and got a good laugh over that. We are not too concerned as Drew gets lots of stimulation and one on one so it will be over grandma's dead old body that he turns in to a Homer or horrors: Bart. :-)
The townhouse patio faces west and in this town that is not a great position this time of year so we bought two roll down screens and they have made a world of difference for us out there. As most of you know, we love to grill and be outdoors so this helps tremendously, not to mention the misters that Andy put up when they lived there. We have had many pleasant nights out there. Mark also hung all the wall decor so it is really looking homey right now. That man is a godsend and I am very glad he is mine!
This week-end we are going to Sedona and courtesy of Andy and Megan we are staying at a resort and spa in the city that was rated in USA TODAY as the number one beautiful spot in the United States. That makes me think I will have some photos to post next week. :-) I was there several years ago but Mark has never been so we are excited to see Sedona and the red rock country.
Here are a few photos....can't post a log without a few photos!