Soon thoughts of rattlers began to fade and I started to enjoy the scenery once more. Then one lady, obviously a former girl scout prodigy, hollers "uh oh, very fresh mountain lion tracks." I did not believe her but two other gals confirmed that, indeed, they were from a mt. lion. Well, that announcement made me think of rattlers as nothing more than over-sized night crawlers and I started to really scope the landscape for this cat. At one point I asked my sister what that god awful smell was that suddenly surrounded us. I had no sooner said that when the girl scout wonder woman informs us that the mountain lion has just sprayed us and that means it is very close to the trail. I am now edging closer to freaking out and wishing I had my trusty shot gun from my raccoon killing Iowa farm days.
Well, to make a long story a bit shorter, we started out the day with 8 gals and ended with 5 at trail's end....... :-)
Seriously, I NEVER want to be that close to a mountain lion again and I am marking this hike off my 10 point Bucket List!
Some shots from the hike: (One is a fake. See if you can guess which one!) :-)