I have had a great two weeks with my grandchildren! I spent Monday-Thursday in Peoria enjoying baby Ryan and visiting with Megan while Drew and Kayley were at Pre-K during the day. On Friday I headed back to the farm with Drew and Kayley. They stayed with us until this past Friday, when we met Megan and Ryan near Davenport and I returned Drew and Kayley to their mother. We had so much fun during the week, never leaving the farm! They picked up sticks, drove the golf cart, picked cherry tomatoes every morning, played on Pirate's Bay daily, rode on the lawn mower and cart, played baseball, played pool, etc. Never a dull moment (or a moment to sit, for that matter!) They were so good and Mark and I are so thrilled that they enjoy coming here. That will end soon enough as they grow so I will take advantage of it while the time lasts!
The weather has cooled a bit and we even got a bit of rain. Too late for our crops but it did start to give a hint of green to our brown lawn. I still don't have to mow, though! Mark continues to do well with his new knee and can bend it to 131 degrees which we were told was very good. His biggest complaint is not getting a good nights sleep. The knee "nags" enough to keep waking him up, thus he is so tired during the day. We have to fix this sleeping thing! I so enjoy seeing him walk without a limp!!! The last several years that is all he was able to do when he walked but I hardly ever notice him limping anymore. So glad he had this surgery! I am assuming he is, too. :-)
Some pics and videos of our week at the farm:
Evidently we watched a little too much Olympics during their visit |
Sliding down Pirate's Bay |
Playing in the dirt where our deck used to be |
Yum, Grandpa's sweetcorn! |
Kayley taking Drew and Grandpa for a ride. Scary..... |
More fun in the dirt. Bath time! |
Drew was such a big helper with all our sticks |
Trying to find some green beans in this parched patch |
How come I never smile when I pick up all these sticks? |
I found a huge one, Grandma! |
Drew and Kayley arriving at the farm last week |
Saying good-bye to Ryan before we left for Iowa |
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She just wasn't "into" stick pick up today. You are on your own, Drew! |
All comfy for the lawn mower ride |
Cooling off after all their hard work |
I won! |
This could be a tie |
Oops! |
Kayley singing in the loft of the playset:
Drew loves baseball!:
Trying to get up that very wet slide: