Hope everyone had a great week-end. I certainly did. Sharon and I hiked Black Mountain on Saturday morning then came back to her place and changed clothes and went to the driving range for over an hour. It was good to hit some balls again, especially since Sunday we golfed on her home course at Terravita. It is a beautiful desert golf course with mountains and rugged scenery everywhere. The weather was picture perfect, too, in the low 80's. Never even broke a sweat out there! If I could get 365 days a year of that exact day I would be in heaven...... :-) Before golfing on Sunday I went with Megan, Drew and Sox for a long walk. Anyway, other than the Hawks losing to the Badgers it was a nice week-end. The only thing keeping it from being a perfect week-end was if Mark could have filled out a foursome on Sunday! Soon, Mark, very soon!
The pictures are varied in this post. Some are from here, some are from Megan and Andy's Labor Day trip to Omaha and a Carroll wedding. Pictures 5 and 6 are Drew with his Grandpa Butch and his uncle Mitch in Omaha. The last two pictures show Drew meeting his brand new cousin, Macie Rose Thiel, for the very first time!!
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