Drew and I had a pretty quiet week here together. We did do a little traveling, mainly to furniture stores looking for furniture for the townhouse that Mark and I will soon be moving to. I am excited to finally have a space to put my stuff and look forward to setting up a second house there. It is very close to Megan and Andy's home so don't have far at all to drive each morning, about 1.8 miles or so. If I didn't need to have a car there for emergencies I would just jog there every morning!
I spent the week-end with Sharon and Arne. She made dinner at home Friday night. Saturday morning we were hiking Black Mountain by 6:30. We pretty much beat the heat by starting out at that time. We made it up to the top in 39 minutes. Not a record for us, but close considering how hot it was. I really love hiking and would do it every day if it were not so hot. When it cools down in the fall I will start walking/jogging/or hiking every day when I possibly can!
Saturday afternoon Arne took us to the 4:10 showing of "Knocked Up". It is a comedy, even though the title usually doesn't conjure up humorous thoughts. :-) It was a little "iffy" for the first 20 minutes or so, but then we all got into the humor (black, at times) and enjoyed the movie. Definitely an adults only type movie. Arne also took us to Red Robin for dinner. It was very good. When we got back to Terravita we watched a slide show of their trip to Las Vegas and Zion Nat. Park and Bryce Canyon in Utah. Very beautiful.....makes me want to drive there with Mark sometime when we have a free week-end here.
Today I am babysitting while Megan takes Andy for a belated Father's Day golf outing. He loves to golf and they picked a beautiful course so I know they are enjoying it, even in the heat.
The pictures are from this past week and week-end. I am working on posting a few short videos so stop back once in awhile to see how that project is working out. :-) Have a great week everyone. Email me!