Drew's daddy Andy dearly loves sports of all kinds. Here he shows his son some of the basics of several sports. I have a feeling Drew will be an athlete of some sort if his daddy has anything to say about it!!
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Pictures from the week....

It is only Tuesday but I already have a few pictures to post, naturally! Never hard to get me to take pictures of Drew..... :-)
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Monday, June 25, 2007
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Another week bites the dust

Drew and I had a pretty quiet week here together. We did do a little traveling, mainly to furniture stores looking for furniture for the townhouse that Mark and I will soon be moving to. I am excited to finally have a space to put my stuff and look forward to setting up a second house there. It is very close to Megan and Andy's home so don't have far at all to drive each morning, about 1.8 miles or so. If I didn't need to have a car there for emergencies I would just jog there every morning!
I spent the week-end with Sharon and Arne. She made dinner at home Friday night. Saturday morning we were hiking Black Mountain by 6:30. We pretty much beat the heat by starting out at that time. We made it up to the top in 39 minutes. Not a record for us, but close considering how hot it was. I really love hiking and would do it every day if it were not so hot. When it cools down in the fall I will start walking/jogging/or hiking every day when I possibly can!
Saturday afternoon Arne took us to the 4:10 showing of "Knocked Up". It is a comedy, even though the title usually doesn't conjure up humorous thoughts. :-) It was a little "iffy" for the first 20 minutes or so, but then we all got into the humor (black, at times) and enjoyed the movie. Definitely an adults only type movie. Arne also took us to Red Robin for dinner. It was very good. When we got back to Terravita we watched a slide show of their trip to Las Vegas and Zion Nat. Park and Bryce Canyon in Utah. Very beautiful.....makes me want to drive there with Mark sometime when we have a free week-end here.
Today I am babysitting while Megan takes Andy for a belated Father's Day golf outing. He loves to golf and they picked a beautiful course so I know they are enjoying it, even in the heat.
The pictures are from this past week and week-end. I am working on posting a few short videos so stop back once in awhile to see how that project is working out. :-) Have a great week everyone. Email me!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
A test of adding video
I am trying my hand at uploading video to this blog. The video (if it works) is one that Andy made with Drew quite awile ago. Drew has changed a lot since then! It may be "jerky" at first but let it completely load and then watch it. I hope........
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
A little yard work

Drew and I went out today to water the new plants. When you head out doors and you are losing your baby hair you must wear a hat in the sun! The pics with a bad glare are caused by snapping the pictures in a mirror. The plants look great after two days in the desert. Water will be the key.......
(Since this blog is half mine, I would like to say something about today. Grandma isn't being very honest when she says the plants look great. "Most" of them look great but there are two that are goners. I think she ruined one on Sunday when she was planting it and was too rough with the little roots. Today as she was hauling me and the garden hose around the yard she pulled the hose right over another tender plant and destroyed that one, too! Then she made me go with her to get two new plants today. She even thought about planting them right away and hoping my daddy wouldn't be the wiser! I really think she would have, too, but she wasn't sure what color plant daddy had in those spots so now she has to ask him about that. I think that is funny cuz now he will know what she did! Grandma sometimes does funny stuff like that during our days together. When she does, I will let you know! Love, Drew)
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Monday, June 11, 2007
Digging a hole in the desert

Andy wanted to plant some bushes and flowering shrubs in his landscaping and I gladly helped him. I miss gardening so was looking forward to assisting him. Digging a hole here is a bit different than digging a hole in Iowa. Here you begin with a pick axe! As Andy broke up "the dirt" I scooped it into a bucket with a shovel. I truly marvel at all the vegetation in the desert because the soil doesn't seem conducive to growing anything, yet it is very beautiful throughout the valley.
We went to Lowe's on Saturday and picked out 20 plants. It is a bit late to be planting so he picked out smaller ones which have a better chance of surviving the summer and were less expensive if they don't make it. :-) He placed them in the landscaping where he wanted them and on Sunday morning we got up and went to work. I must say that Andy got a workout with that pick axe. I feared he wouldn't be able to get out of bed today to go to work but he seemed just fine when he left this morning. Ah, the joys of youth......
We planted oleanders, lantana, bottle brush bushes, a Spanish Bayonet Yucca, and an agave. I hope they do make it....not just because of the intense labor but because it will be such fun to watch and help them grow into beautiful plants.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
I need real food....

....or maybe not! Megan gave Drew some rice cereal Saturday night for the first time. It was quite hilarious watching his facial contortions as he tested the stuff. All in all he did quite well but they decided he likes the milk better at this stage in life. He is a bit of a tongue thruster still so she may try in another couple of weeks or so. It is amazing how different it is now compared to when I was raising Matt and Megan. They encourage nothing but milk until 4-6 months. Mark and I had Matt and Megan on cereal at 2-3 weeks and full feed 2-3 months after that! I am amazed my kids even made it to adult status the way I must have done everything wrong. :-) The worst had to be riding in a vehicle "back then". I have included a picture of Drew in my car......when my kids were little we had a full sized van, playpen in the cargo area, toys and snacks tossed in with them. We could have driven across country in that setup and they wouldn't have uttered a peep. When we braked, they simply took a fun nose dive into the netting of the play pen and went back to playing. Can you imagine how horribly unsafe that must have been??!!!! But, that was the way it was in the dark ages!! :-) I will admit that the seat they purchased for my car makes WAY better sense. Especially in Phoenix traffic......toto, we are not in Iowa anymore.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Hey Grandpa! Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Grandpa!!
When you came for my baptism I wish you could have stayed through for your birthday, but I will just wish you a great day on grandma's and my blog! I love you a lot and have put some pictures up to remind you of good times here with me and Grandma when you come back next time. Your pool lounge is waiting for you and maybe a golf game if it isn't too hot when you come. I love you grandpa, and grandma does, too. See you soon! Love, Drew
Monday, June 04, 2007
Drew's baptism, June 2, 2007

Drew had lots of company in his home for his baptism this past week-end. Godfather Uncle Mitch arrived Wednesday evening. Godfather Uncle Matt and Grandpa Mark arrived Thursday evening......Grandpa flew and Matt drove down from Omaha. Grandpa Butch arrived Friday night.
It was just a great week-end for me, all my family in one spot. It has been awhile since the four of us were all in one place at the same time! Matt left yesterday morning. He drove to Los Alamos to stay the night with his cousin Erik. He will drive on to Omaha today. Megan took Mark to the airport this morning on her way to work. I hated to see him go.......I wish it were winter in Iowa and he could stay here!!
Drew was baptized Saturday during the 5 PM service. He was very good during the service. I got the giggles a bit when he spit up on his father's slacks before the baptism. Fortunately everything dries quickly in Phoenix!! :-) Sharon and Arne also attended the service for Drew. Following the baptism we all gathered at Megan and Andy's home for a light dinner. Lisa, Taylor, Nick and Brittany were also there so it was a great evening of family.
Pictures from this great week-end..............
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