I flew into Des Moines Tuesday afternoon after narrowly escaping being dumped in Kansas City due to severe fog at the DM airport. It cleared just enough to land that small jet and saved Mark a trip south down I-35 to pick me up at KC. That would have been a bummer! As it was, all was fine and I was in his arms around 2:15. :-) On our way home we stopped in Boone for Thanksgiving dinner food but he had already purchased the bird so it wasn't too big of a load. That evening he prepared a nice pork chop dinner of which I did not have one bite. :-( Drew had the flu the Sunday before, Andy Monday night, Megan Tuesday afternoon and I got it right when Mark said "get the salads out, chops are done". It was me that "was done" for the about the next 4 hours. It was a quick working flu but horrible. I haven't had something that severe for about 20 years! So much for that shot I had a few works earlier to prevent this stuff!
Wednesday Matt was supposed to come from Omaha but I-80 was a wintry mess and he couldn't make it until Thursday noon. It was so great to see him finally!
Yesterday was our belated Thanksgiving gathering. Larry and Jody came around noon bearing lots of delicious relishes and snacks and two pumpkin pies. Megan, Andy and Drew arrived around 12:45 and we ate at 1:00. Everyone said it was good but the cook never thinks so...... :-)
Spent the afternoon in mini-misery from eating too much. Later in the afternoon Jan and Clayton stopped by and last night Kevin, Sarah and Katie came for the evening to meet Drew and visit with us all. It was a really great day! I hope everyone had a very enjoyable Thanksgiving holiday.
Some pictures from Drew's first visit to the farm. The toys in the pics and the high chair are from Mark and his brother when they were infants, sooooo, they are around 60 years old. Everyone wondered if they had lead paint. Hmmmm, not much different than today, is it!