Friday, February 29, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Going a bit farther now....
Megan and Andy filmed this last night. I noticed this morning Drew would walk to things he crawled to on Friday when I was last with him. He will really take some watching now! On the bright side, he can soon go hiking with mom, grandma and Aunt Sharon! Also, grandpa and daddy will soon have him walking up and down those long aisles of their favorite store, Home Depot. :-)
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Friday, February 22, 2008
hey.....look at my new shirt!

Yup, I'm gonna be a big brother but don't know if I will have a sister or a brother yet. My mom says she is due on September 4th but she has to have a C-section so it will be the week before that. I am really excited about being a big brother but I wonder if Grandma will make me share MY blog with the new baby? hmmm........ Anyway, I am pretty excited about this and hope you are too! Love, big bro Drew
Email me!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Uncle Mitch's gift
Mitch's Christmas gift to Drew has been quietly sitting in the background waiting for Drew to take a ride on him. This week-end he finally took the plunge and had a great time doing so.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day

Another week bites the dust. Funny, when I was employed I just couldn't wait until Friday and the week was finally over. Now, each passing week blends in with the week before, etc. That's a nice feeling. As fellow retiree sister Sharon once said: "every day is a Saturday".
Hope you all had a nice Valentine's Day. Mark grilled a delicious Iowa t-bone steak for us and was better than any restaurant would have served, I am positive. We decided to skip going out to dinner last night because the restaurants are so crowded on the 14th and I am glad we did!
Mark spent the week doing odds and ends around here and at Megan's place. Trimming our Mexican palm tree, putting in a new closet door at Megan's, etc. It was nice weather to do all that. Tomorrow and Sunday we hope to help Andy landscape his front yard. I will enjoy that task as I love working on yards and making things look nice outdoors.
Tomorrow Sharon and I are hiking Black Mountain in the morning before any yard work. I love that hike, hard as it is! It is a great feeling of accomplishment to reach the top. I believe I will do Everest next as I hear it is a really warm hike. :-)
Must post a few pics of our growing Drew, changing each and every day! Have a good week-end everyone.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Sunday afternoon at the zoo
Phoenix has a really terrific and beautiful zoo and Mark and I got to enjoy the day there with our grandson and his parents. Temps in the upper 70's, sunny skies and lots of people and animals.
Friday, February 08, 2008
Winter is flying by

I cannot believe we are already in to February but that means the temps of a record low January are behind us. :-) Just saw the forecast and this week-end will be in the mid 70's which is just scrumptious down here with all the sunshine. There will be lots of swinging for Drew, golf and hiking for Mark and me.
To catch up a bit, last week-end was big here in the Valley. Both the FBR Open and the Super Bowl were happening so lots of extra people in town. Mark and I attended the FBR both on Saturday and Sunday. Saturday we went with Megan, Andy and Drew. That was our warmest day. The crowd bordered on overwhelming that day! Sunday crowd was much smaller probably due to a much cooler day and the big football game parties going on everywhere. I did pretty good until the very end when I just got too cold and had to bail out to the pickup for some engine heat! We did really enjoy attending that and seeing all those great golfers. Unfortunately Tiger wasn't there.
Yesterday Grandpa had his first full day of watching his grandson. I was invited to play in a golf guest day with sister Sharon at her home club. It was a beautiful day and she and I had a great time. I hadn't golfed since last October so was pretty rusty and didn't contribute to the score all that much but our foursome did get 2nd place in our flight and each got $35 so that was fun. :-) Thanks girls! Mark had an equally enjoyable day with Drew. They went for a walk, swinging in the park, etc. I could tell grandpa had a fun time all alone with Drew.
Well, TGIF (and sincere sympathy) to all my working friends, especially those in the frozen tundra called the mid-west.....enjoy your week-end!
Friday, February 01, 2008
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