I flew to the Iowa farm over the holidays for a quiet week-end with Mark. The weather wasn't the greatest but did shape up enough for me to get on that lawn mower and to dig in the flower beds on Sunday. The place looks really good and very, very green thanks to lots of rain. That same rain is keeping him from getting the soybeans in the dirt, but it will happen eventually.
I spent a day back at Ogden Schools visiting with old friends. It was so great to see them....it had been close to two years since I had been back. Wow. Time really does fly. Sue brought me lunch so I dined at the middle school with her and thoroughly enjoyed it! Had a good visit with Kris and Pat, too. I do miss the people immensely, just not the "other" stuff. :-)
We also spent an afternoon visiting Jan and Clayton. That always brings back good memories and lots of laughs. There new place in town looks fantastic!
Mark and I had a great time, even cool enough to head to the basement and build a fire and catch up with each other! It was finally getting nice but then it was time to head back to Phoenix. Oh well, I didn't come home for great weather. Sorry, not one picture to post from this trip.