Megan and Andy had guests last week-end (Megan's college roommate Brooke and family). This week-end Andy's brother Chris and his wife Jenny and daughter Macie are visiting. During all this Drew caught some bug from someone and spent one night in mommy's lap vomiting and then had diarrhea for a few days. Megan then caught a slight cold so we decided that I would strictly watch Kayley for the week and Megan and Drew would stay as far away as possible to do our utmost to keep her from getting this stuff, especially a cold. We succeeded on the cold part but she did get some diarrhea but it didn't seem to phase her much and was always happy and usually ate well. So, we think our plan was pretty much successful. The scary part about a cold is Kayley's delicate lungs....they were told in the NICU that a bad cold would most likely send her right back into the hospital. That is not an option any of us want to experience!
Sharon and I hiked Black Mountain by her home yesterday morning. It was another beautiful day (surprise) and we really enjoyed the climb. Sharon and Arne are seriously considering moving to The Villages in Florida if they can get their home sold soon. Not everyone is as excited about their move as they seem to be. :-) I will certainly miss hiking with her and seeing her occasionally on week-ends, holidays, etc.
Mark is having a terrible time harvesting the corn this fall. The weather continues to bring lots of moisture to Iowa as it has done all spring, summer and now fall. He thinks he will have to wait for it to really get cold there so the ground is frozen and he can take the combine back into the fields without getting stuck! Such a year '08 has been, both personally for our family and also nationally. One can only hope that 2009 is a better year for everyone!
Some pics from the week and week-end:
1. Drew sleeping on mommy's lap, still feeling a bit under the weather
2. Drew helping grandma Clorox LOTS of stuff in the house!
3. Kayley in a new bib purchased by.....guess who.
4. Drew stole her pacifier and wanted to try it out for himself. This is particularly amusing because he never used one himself. His trusty thumb tasted much better.
5. Kayley is relaxed.
6. Drew with his aunt Jenny and cousin Macie.
7. Drew and Macie getting ready to go out to dinner on Friday night.