It has been a busy week for all of us since Christmas. Sunday we were guests of Megan, Andy, Drew and Kayley at the Cardinals FB game. That is always great fun and the Cardinals won and looked good doing it. Maybe they will get to the super bowl again this year!!
Megan took the whole week off so Mark and I have been able to spend a lot of bonding time together. Ha! Bonding as in going shopping, Mark's favorite thing to do with me! We are celebrating our 35th anniversary by going on a cruise next week so we naturally needed some items for the trip! We are certainly looking forward to that getaway.
One night we all went to the Phoenix Zoo for "Zoo Lights". It was just beautiful and I could not believe the amount of work that spectacle must have entailed!
Megan's high school friend from Iowa was here with her hubby and daughter for the bowl game. Wednesday they decided to hike Camelback Mt. so Mark and I babysat Drew, Kayley and their daughter Gracie. Gracie and Kayley are very close in age so it was fun watching them interact with one another. They are both cutie pies!
Yesterday Mark and I drove to downtown Tempe for the Insight Bowl festivities and game. We had a great time and saw some friends from Iowa. Steve and Mona Satre, Lance Wilhelm and Mark Klever were all there. I am sure there were others we knew but just didn't see them. ISU beat Minnesota so that was great. Even though I am a Hawkeye fanatic it was good to see an Iowa college beat anything Minnesota!! Sorry MN family! :-)
Today we are going to Greasewood Flat for a pig roast. It is an outdoor, western venue with picnic tables, live music and desert dust! It is also great fun. :-)
I wish you all a great 2010.
Cardinals FB video:
Mark's first visit to Fatso's, our FAVORITE pizza joint!
Babysitting Gracie Britton from Iowa and the grand kids: