Unbelievable is the only way to describe Nov. 8th weather in central Iowa. The clothing we are wearing in the picture came off midway to the first green! Well, not ALL the clothing, but certainly the jackets. :-) I would have given anything to have been in shorts. Never dreamed it would get to nearly mid 80's when I left in the morning.
A school friend had sent me an e-mail telling about 1/2 price golf at Toad Valley near Altoona. I talked to Cyndy, she agreed to go and we were thankful we did! We had a great time in the beautiful November fluke weather. (Tomorrow the forecast contains possible winter storm warnings for Iowa!!) We were paired with two guys about Matt's age and we enjoyed golfing with them. They seemed to "appear" to have felt the same way. They were a bit apprehensive when they cursed after a bad shot,but we assured them that we have heard/said similar expletives while golfing so not to be concerned about that. :-) In fact, it was probably the next shot that I let out an un-lady-like comment! I am sure it was only once, though.........
Today is supposed to still be balmy, 65ish, but as I said it will all come to a screeching halt tomorrow. Oh well, not that long until a Dec. trip to the Valley of the Sun and seeing Megan 8 months pregnant! I am still excited, of course. I have gotten sick of hearing my sisters and brother always being called grandma and grandpa by loving grandchildren. It is time for us to recieve that special love, too!
Well, so much for playing hooky yesterday. Today I go back to painting the walls and if it gets warm enough I will rake leaves from the landscaping and flower beds this afternoon.
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