After painting several rooms at Megan and Andy's new home, I decided my old home could use some of that same brightening. I am also cleaning all the carpets. This house is like a Pacific Ocean of carpeting so it is a monumental task. All I have left is the basement and our bedroom, which is more square feet than I already have done!
My walls were mostly white /offwhite so I decided to go a bit darker. I chose "Bamboo" for the main area. It is a deeper tan but in some lighting it does have a hint of pink to it, but not too bad. I like it. Our bedroom was done in "Nacho Chip" which will take some getting used to....at first glance I thought it looked like a baby's diaper after eating too much pureed squash. :-( It is growing on me, though and I am not going to repaint it. :-) At least Mark will have clean carpets and freshly painted walls when I leave to be a granny nanny!
Looks like pictures from "House Beautiful" magazine! Good job. If being a nanny doesn't work out, you can always be a painter. Such talent. :-)
House beautiful, ha! But, I will say that I do like to paint. :-)
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