Wednesday, December 13, 2006

A very nice day for December

It was sunny today and actually above 50 degrees. I decided to make hay during this nice weather and went for a run of 5 1/2 miles. I will pay for that tomorrow, I am sure. I must remember I am no longer a spring chicken but will never concede to being an old hen, either! I was totally soaked with perspiration afterwards and have never worked up a sweat like that in December, other than maybe getting my credit card bill......

I have been trying to decide what to take to Phoenix for our trip. Sister Sharon said to think in peel them off as the sun warms the valley. I did notice on that our first week in the valley will be in the low 60's. Hopefully it will warm up a bit the rest of our stay, but 60's I can live with!! I rented a car for our first week there so we will drive ourselves to Megan and Andy's on Sunday. Megan is taking the second week off so won't need to rent a car then. Will probably rent a car our last week, also. The Valley was made for shopping so I need wheels to get me to those great malls. :-) (Insert Mark rolling his eyes and reaching for a beer after that comment.)

Well, only 3 more days until we leave on a jet plane and I am getting quite excited. Ready to take Sox for a walk with Megan, ready to see Megan 7+ months pregnant and ready to visit with Andy and see their new pool, a work in progress. They also have a completely remodeled kitchen since I was there in October so lots to see there. Merry Christmas everyone!!!

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