We have been staying with Sharon and Arne at night but spending most of the day at Megan and Andy's. I have been trying to do some cleaning for Megan. She was incredibly sore from her "anything but normal" C section but is doing much better today. She will definitely be taking it slow for a few more days so any help we can provide will be good. Andy might go back to work tomorrow so then Mark and I will probably be of even more help to her without him. I am so proud of Andy and his role in this. The guy is a champion diaper changer and just wonderful with his son. Megan is quite lucky to have him, as is Drew.
Drew had another poke in the heel this a.m. to check his jaundice level and it was down enough today that they were able to remove his "light blanket" which will be a big help to them. They were pretty much confined to the chair where the blanket was plugged in....now we can walk all over the house with him. Won't be long and I will be taking him on his first jog. Just kidding, Megan!!
Pics are of Drew with his mom, dad, Aunt Sharon and Grandpa and Grandma Swanson. A few years ago I dreaded the thought of being old enough to be called Grandma and now all of a sudden it is the sweetest sound in the world!!
Hi Marla! Sarah here. Just wanted to say congratulations on such an adorable grandson. He's so darn cute. Mom and I have been looking at the pictures these past couple of days and can't seem to step away from the computer. Tell Megan & Andy congratulations as well. Take care & have fun! =)
Thanks Sarah. I agree, he is darned cute!! :-) It is going to kill us when we leave him. I may never come home!! I will tell Andy and Megan congrats. Take care and tell your Mom she will some day go nuts when she becomes a grandma as it is awesome!!
I think he is content with everyone except
Granny...looks like he is crying for you
Marla! Keep the photos coming ..........C
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