Thursday, January 11, 2007

Something's in the air......

Well, it looks like our first major snowstorm of the season is approaching us late Saturday through Sunday. Sure hope our grandson doesn't decide it is time to make his appearance around that time! I won't drive in bad conditions, just too dangerous and scary.

It was so nice in Boone today while I was shopping that I decided to go for a run when I got home. I made it about 1/10th of a mile and felt extremely chilled. I forgot how nice it can be in the shelter of a town and totally a different story out here in the country. :-( So, guess I will do a Chico DVD in the warmth of my home instead. I certainly prefer running, though.........

I don't think Megan will last until her due date of Jan. 30th as things are moving "right along" and I give her about a week to 12 days to go into labor. I have started packing again for our return trip. We will be driving down so can take extra items to leave there for when I go down permanently to nanny. When I get there in late April it will already be quite warm there so need summer stuff to start out this gig. I have no clue when I ever will get back to the farm so am taking most of my things I feel I will need. I would like to have room for items for the Townhouse but our Camry is small for packing due to the Hybrid battery in the trunk. Oh well, that is why they have Costco and Target stores everywhere!

The next time I post will be to say grandparenthood is NOT FAR OFF!


Cathy Stone said...

Congratulations Grandmother Marla! Drew is going to have one hot Granny! Just think you will be holding that sweet little baby soon! Lucky for you.

So you have a town house now! Lucky for you!

How is retirement? I am so affraid I could not afford it financially.

Send pictures when you can. Is your permanent residence in AZ now?

Much happiness is wished to you and Grandpa! Cathy Stone

Marla said...

No, Megan and Andy have a townhouse. They are just going to let us "borrow" it while I nanny my grandson. I guess the move will be somewhat permanent for me anyway. Mark will come and go with the field work. :-) We are so excited, it doesn't seem real!!!