Since there is nothing but bleak snowy landscapes to take pictures of down on the farm, I hopped over to Megan and Andy's website and stole these from their online album. The first two pictures show their backyard before any professional landscaping was done and the BB court was still there. The other photos show the recently finished product. Drew is going to love that section of grass.....I can see many games of catch on this turf in the little guy's future. I have a feeling their pooch Sox will rather like that grass, also. The pool is all that remains to be finished. They cannot do that until the new gate to their yard is in place so neighborhood children cannot get to the pool. Eventually they will put a fence up around the pool so granny nanny doesn't accidently stumble into the abyss. Actually, there are lots of laws and regulations regarding private pools and that is a "good thing" in Arizona.
As for Iowa, a rather big winter storm is on the horizon for today and Sunday. Our home is right on the line of how bad it could be......worst case scenerio would be ice first and high winds to whip our electrical lines and the consequences that would bring. :-( I am not looking forward to the next two days. On a brighter note, we get to see Matt next week-end in Omaha and the following Friday (March 9) we leave for Los Alamos, NM to visit nephew Erik and daughters Kadin and Gracie for two days, followed by our return trip to Phoenix to see Drew and house sit for Sharon and Arne. Mark will fly home at the end of the month to begin preparing for the planting season and I will remain in AZ to read to my grandson and perhaps do a few other things........
Email me!
I just talked to a former co worker who is
out on the mail route and she said it is
Grab a beer and a quilt and sit your butt
down in front of the TV for the
The landscaping looks wonderful, they did a great job. Hooray for the pool fence, we dont want
Granny Nanny to swim while Bucky is sunbathing.
Don't forget to put up a sign, no trespassing!
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