Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Good-bye gravel road

After almost 56 years of never having lived anywhere else but this gravel road, it shall seem quite different to not traverse it on a daily basis. Yes, I was gone for stretches during college, but that was about the extent of it! I was born and raised on this road and raised my own children here. I have run many a mile on this gravel road and took many walks down its path. So, it will definitely be a big change for me, but one I am ready to do. Things I look forward to come next week: hugging and holding my new grandson, running on nice pavement anytime of the year and not just when the weather cooperates. It almost always "cooperates" where I am going. I look forward to taking mountain hikes with my daughter and sister and golfing with Mark in the winter. I relish the thought of caring for Drew while his parents are off at work. Many things to look forward to! Things I will miss terribly......Mark when he is home farming, Matt in Omaha, and my friends and neighbors. But, they are all only a plane ticket away so that problem can be resolved in a 2+ hour flight. Chapter 2 of our lives starts in about 39 hours...............whew, I better finish packing!
Email me!


Cyndy said...

Look over the horizon, there is sun and fun and
the future begins again. When I graduated college,
I said it was the first day of the rest of my life.
Now, on June 3 2006 I said the same thing....A
new chapter, we didn't even have these thoughts
while on the golf course last summer. Now you
know how I felt in November, getting ready to
move to Texas. a scary feeling, but you will soon
be over it and "this will be the start of something
big", lyrics from an old song..........C

Marla said...

Oh, I am ready to move to AZ. Excited beyond belief! There is the cutest little man in the world waiting there for a hug from his granny. :-)