Mark flew to Iowa yesterday after being out here for 12 days. I think he was tired when he went back.......I made him do too much getting the town house ready! He wouldn't have had to work so hard if he were not so talented at fixing things and cleaning! Again, it was tough to see him go but I see him again in 3 days so we can manage that, surely. :-)
Saturday we all went to the mall to get Drew's six month pictures taken. This little guy does nothing but smile all the time, but could we get him to do that in the studio? Murphy's Law in action I guess. Megan did get some good ones though and I have posted a couple here. Grandpa pushed his grandson all over the mall while she and I picked out the pictures. I think he enjoyed that.
Well, it is a Monday morning and I am back to babysitting Drew. Much, much easier than my past Monday mornings, heading to Ogden. This is much more enjoyable and less stressful. Now, as he gets older and starts crawling and walking, the stress level may rise a bit. :-) Oh well, hopefully the little guy will keep me active and young. Have a great week everyone!
Email me!
Six months old already? He looks
great in his new golf shirt, you
better get him some golf clubs
soon. Teach him a good grip!
Good lord, how can I teach him a good grip? THAT will be YOUR job Aunt Cyndy!! You are the master!!!!!
OK, I'll take that job. When is the
60 year old making the trip to AZ?
First lesson.....FORE!
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