Two Sundays in a row we went to see the Cardinals play in their beautiful new stadium. (Which happens to be the site for this year's Super Bowl game.) Megan and Andy gave Mark and I tickets to both games for Christmas and we thoroughly enjoyed that gift. They have four season's tickets so we all sat together. This past Sunday they could not find a baby sitter so they decided to try taking Drew. He did great! Loved the tailgating and food and treats, was enthralled with the stadium noise and lights and just had a good time. Got a bit pooped out at the end as you can see from the stroller picture, but was a real trooper that day. To make it all the more sweet, the Cardinals won both games and UNI alumni Kurt Warner was fantastic as their quarterback! Keep an eye on those Cardinals next season. :-)
Looks like great fun! Wish I was there. Jan!
I wish you were here, too! Looking forward to April........
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