We are all doing that now that Kayley has been off the ventilator for two full days and seems to be doing great with that feat! The vent tube was a big irritation to her little throat and a huge hassle for everyone when Andy and Megan hold her so it is a great relief for her to be breathing on her own now. She has to wear a CPAP over her nose to give her a bit of help keeping the passages open but they will wean her off of that in a couple of weeks and she will have nothing left tube-wise except the feeding tube. She is almost up to "full" feed so that is a great milestone, too. I spent an hour with her last night after Andy came home from work. She is so darned cute and I wanted to just scoop her up and hold her and give her a grandma hug.....all in due time. I stole a few pictures off of Andy's blog. The one where she looks like Hannibal Lector is the CPAP doing its work. :-) Still keep Kayley in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Breathing a little easier
We are all doing that now that Kayley has been off the ventilator for two full days and seems to be doing great with that feat! The vent tube was a big irritation to her little throat and a huge hassle for everyone when Andy and Megan hold her so it is a great relief for her to be breathing on her own now. She has to wear a CPAP over her nose to give her a bit of help keeping the passages open but they will wean her off of that in a couple of weeks and she will have nothing left tube-wise except the feeding tube. She is almost up to "full" feed so that is a great milestone, too. I spent an hour with her last night after Andy came home from work. She is so darned cute and I wanted to just scoop her up and hold her and give her a grandma hug.....all in due time. I stole a few pictures off of Andy's blog. The one where she looks like Hannibal Lector is the CPAP doing its work. :-) Still keep Kayley in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Pics from a great day

All is good tonight in Arizona. Kayley had a good day, Drew had a good day, and the rest of us were likewise. Pictures from today include Drew greeting his new sister AND saying her name. (We practiced on the drive to the hospital and he got it by the second exit!) My grandson is rather smart. :-) When Andy got home he took Drew for a swim in the pool, thus the shots in the swim trunks. We stopped by Megan's office to pick up a few things and Drew helped her find things in the drawer while I took pictures out her office window. The view from there is quite astounding. I recall my office where I worked and I was in the middle of the building and had no windows. :-(
Hope you enjoy the photos as much as I did snapping them!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
A big day for Drew's mom

Megan was officially released from the hospital on the start of her 21st day in there! It was a bittersweet parting I think. On the one hand, it was so comforting to know that her daughter was only a one floor elevator ride away from her anytime she wanted to go see her. But, it was nice for her and especially Drew to have her dress him for bedtime and kiss him goodnight in their own home.
A huge step was taken when Megan got to hold Kayley for over an hour Tuesday afternoon! Drew and I drove to the hospital to take her home around 3:30 and when I walked in the NICU and saw Mommy snuggling with her daughter for the very first time it was a teary moment. Kayley looked sooo comfy and peaceful on her mommy's tummy and Megan looked to be in heaven! Yup, a moment to remember forever. We left around 5:00 just in time for rush hour on the freeway. I have always tried to avoid that since living out here but since Kayley's arrival I have been in it a time or two. But having Drew in the car qualifies us for the HOV lane and that helps tremendously. I am sure the people I pass cannot see Drew in the car and are wondering about the ditzy snowbird with Iowa plates that is too stupid to know there should be two occupants in the car. :-) That's okay cuz I make it home a lot sooner than they do!! Now I know why Megan started taking the metro bus instead of driving downtown to work each day!
It has finally turned hot here. We knew it would come. 114 yesterday and warm again today then cooling off "a little". I get in their pool for some exercise and cooling off so that helps a lot. It is nice in the evenings and we are usually playing in the yard then.
Photos are nurses getting Kayley ready for the big "first holding" session and Megan and Kayley truly together for the first time.
Monday, June 16, 2008
For Drew's mommy

Megan is still in the hospital (Starting Day 20) so I decided to get some pictures up of her Drew as I know she misses him so much. I take him to see her every afternoon so that helps ease the separation a little. She is fighting an infection and they want to get it under control before releasing her. Good idea!
Kayley is progressing well. Andy's blog journal does a wonderful job of telling her story and her day to day ups or downs. Fortunately the ups have been more pronounced than the downs so far and we pray that trend continues.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
So far, all is going well

Day 4 and all is going well for little Kayley and parents. She is a tiny but strong little gal. What time she spent in the womb was very quality time it appears and although there will be ups and downs over the next few weeks she is doing extremely well according to her doctors and nurses. One doctor called her a star. :-) An overachiever like her mommy it would seem. That is good. I have attached a few pics of Kayley. Lots of wires and tubes of course. She has jaundice now so the picture where she looks like a hollywood starlet getting her beauty rest is protection from the bright lights to combat her jaundice. The picture with Andy's hand gives some perspective of her size and also a pic of daddy changing her tiny diaper for the very first time. He was quite proud of himself, as well he should be! For more pictures and updates, Andy has started Kayley's own blog journal of her time in the NICU if you care to see updated pics, etc. Go to:
In the mean time, Drew and I are playing house with a big dog. That reminds me, I am running low on bribery doggie biscuits and must make a Pet Smart run.............. Keep us in your prayers everyone! Love, Grandma, Drew and Sox
Monday, June 09, 2008
Absolutely gorgeous!!
Drew and I saw his sister and my granddaughter this afternoon for the very first time. What an experience that was! I had steeled myself for the meeting but was so overcome by how beautiful she was and how much bigger she was than I had in my head. She was 15 1/2 inches long and had the cutest nose I have ever seen. Am I prejudice? No doubt about that, but when I can finally take some pictures of Kayley you will agree with me. :-) I am sure there will be ups and downs as the weeks go by but right now we are in awe of a little girl named Kayley Renee Thiel.........
Kayley Renee
Our granddaughter decided to make a very early appearance into this world. We were not expecting to meet her until around August 27th. Megan's water broke on the Wednesday after Memorial Day. She has been in the hospital ever since and was able to keep from going into labor until early this morning. Kayley was only 27 weeks and 3 days at the time of birth and weighed in at three pounds. Considering she was supposed to have three more months of growing time the doctors were pleased with her weight. Right now all is going well for baby girl and mom and we pray that continues to be the case. Naturally Kayley is in the NICU for probably most of the summer but I really don't know that for certain. I "think" they usually keep them there until their original due date even if things go as we hope. Please keep Kayley in your thoughts and prayers for all of us! Thanks! Drew and I get to meet her in just about one hour and I cannot begin to tell you how that feels......Love, Grandma and Drew
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Friday, June 06, 2008
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