Saturday, February 07, 2009


Time for a hike this morning with the ladies. It is going to cool off rapidly this week-end with a good chance of storms but hopefully we will get the hike in before the rain appears.

Kayley and Drew had a very good week. Twice this week Drew had afternoon "power naps" of over four hours! He plays hard and sleeps hard!

Kayley had an appointment yesterday with her developmental doctor. I will let Andy describe the details in her blog but the short version: we are to work on her gaining core strength for future sitting and crawling and she would like us to start more solid foods since she isn't that great of a bottle feeder. When feeding her we are to let Kayley work the food off the spoon rather than the traditional way of scraping it on the roof of her mouth. Seems she doesn't like to use her upper jaw/lip a lot and this should help stimulate that along with some other tricks she suggested. Over all she thought Kayley was doing great. I agree!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a cutie. She does really well with the spoon!