Sunday, August 01, 2010

Another week-end with the grandchildren!

Megan, Drew and Kayley arrived late Friday night for a quick week-end visit to our farm. This should be their last week in the extended stay hotel so they won't be coming as often anymore. :-( They are very excited to move into their new home next week-end and I can't say that I blame them. Hotel living is great on a vacation but not much fun with two toddlers for the long term!

Yesterday Megan and the kids drove to Fort Dodge to have lunch with Grandpa Butch who was in town to attend a wedding in Gowrie. He came back to the farm with them until it was time to head to the wedding. After Butch left Megan and I took the kids to Ogden Fun Days because we read they had a model train set up in the middle school. We knew Drew would love seeing that. We were right. We walked around the park for awhile but not much to really do there. No carnival rides this year! Also, it was so hot and humid it just made it most unpleasant to be there for very long.

Last night we grilled chops and had MORE sweet corn and bathed the kids and got them to bed very early.

Next Sunday I will go to Peoria to help Megan start unboxing all the moving stuff. She will take a couple days off from work so between the two of us we can hopefully make their home livable in a short time! I am anxious to see the home. It looks very nice. The kids will be thrilled to have more space, for sure!

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