They had lots of over grown bushes around their deck so I cut them WAY down, probably too far down, and Mark bundled them for pick up. It was so hot and humid that even grandma was wishing for a crisp fall day!
Megan and Andy took advantage of having Mark's truck there and went shopping for patio furniture and a recliner for Andy on Saturday. They also spent some time looking for granite counter top but didn't find anything yet. Mark thought their home was big and very nice. I think it will be a great home for their family. Drew certainly loves his new house!
I finally got front and back yard pictures of their home and naturally some pics of my two favorite grand kids.

Looks like a McMansion with a yard that's big enough for a family reunion. :-). Do they have in-laws quarters?
Yes! We have our own bedroom with a bathroom/shower and walk-in closet. Not that I bring that many clothes!
"Shut the stinkin lights off".... oh my, too funny. From the mouths of babes. Great house and lots of room. Thanks for sharing this.
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