I drove to Des Moines this morning to visit my good friend Sue who babysits three days a week for her 3 month old granddaughter Lily. We had such a good time and laughed a lot like days from our past! Her daughter Karen and husband Gabe came home during lunch so I was able to see them, too. Karen, Gabe and Lily make a beautiful family and they have a great home with a big beautiful back yard. I am glad I took the time for this visit! Below are pics of grandma and Lily and one of Karen and her daughter.
The weather has been rather crappy these past few days. Zero sunshine and rainy with wind. These are the kind of days I recall hating about Iowa weather. The lack of sunshine is the worst for me. The rain, of course, is not helping Mark get into the field for harvest. I do believe this state has had more than it's share of moisture this summer so it can quit now...
Pics from DM:

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