Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Feeling sorry for myself

I think I broke my little toe yesterday morning. :-( I plowed in to a step ladder, barefoot, and today it is black and blue and I can only walk with a limp. Sharon comes here on Thursday and we were all set to hike. Ain't gonna happen... I am trying to decide if I should see a doctor but I recall always hearing "there is nothing they can do for a broken toe" or was that a broken nose? Anyway, I am not a happy camper and am cursing my clumsiness! My mom was always severely stubbing her toe so maybe I came by it naturally?


Megan said...

And I think you passed it on to me. Thanks! Hope it isn't broken!

MNGroovyGranny said...

I have done that several times. You're right, not much that can be done. This too shall pass. Should have worn shoes. Stick it in a bowl of ice water.