I spent a week with Megan, Drew and Kayley and had a splendid time. Matt drove over from Omaha and was there Thursday through Monday morning so everyone was there except Mark and Andy. They were busy attending Cactus League BB games in AZ with Andy's brother!
It was so good to see the kids. They had grown a lot since our January visit. Things change so quickly when they are little! The weather was very good most days so we could be outside. Lots of bike rides to the park, fishing for the very first time with Matt, riding the Gator and tractor, etc. I assumed it wouldn't be all that great in Peoria in March but I guess this year doesn't count as being normal. Unbelievable warmth in the midwest!
Mark is leaving Sunday morning for Iowa. He will make it to Matt's home on Monday late afternoon, spend the night with him and head to the farm on Tuesday. I wouldn't be surprised if he is in the field later in the week! Another unheard of thing this early!
My sisters are flying to Phoenix next week. We hike the Grand Canyon (Havasupai Falls) on April 6-8th so we are getting pretty excited about that. Jan will arrive this coming Thursday and Sharon will get here Easter Sunday. Sharon and Jan haven't seen each other for two years so it is well past time for us to get together!
Unless a spring blizzard hits Iowa I will most likely start back after the sisters leave. No reason to stay here when it is nice in Iowa! We hit 90 degrees here this week so I am assuming it is going to start getting pretty hot in the desert and that is my signal to jump in the car. Neither one of us is looking forward to our drive home but not much to do about that except do it! The worst part is staying in the motel in a dumpy town (Dalhart, TX) all by yourself. If you love/know Dalhart please forgive me for slamming it! Just not fun alone. :-)
I couldn't leave Drew and Kayley without getting a few pics and video!
Matt teaching Kayley about the patience of fishing. Ha! |
Drew showing his skills at the park |
Bicycle safety town in Peoria. Awesome. |
Drew Matt Kayley |
Kayley and the Easter Bunny at gymnastics |
Mark's cactus in bloom. He was gone last year when it bloomed but this year was early! |
Kayley with her favorite snack |
I bought puzzles for Drew and he finished them in record time! |
Kayley, Matt and Drew |
Dressing up in anything and everything |
These two made Grandma a beautiful birthday cake! |
Ready to bike to the park |
At the park |
Drew's first time fishing! |
1 comment:
I had to laugh about your remarks about Dalhart, TX.We had the map out the other day at work. Rose showed me their route from Texas to Canada, with a stop at Dalhart, Texas........I told her that was your first stop from Iowa and she was amazed, a long ride........
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