Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Road trip!

Matt decided to help Mom drive to AZ and we really had a great time.  We left his Omaha home around 5:30 and made it to Santa Rosa, NM at 4:45 that afternoon...750 miles. It was so nice sharing driving duties and having an actual conversation with someone during those 12 hours! Next morning left at 6:30 and took a side trip to Sedona and Jerome. Highway 89A is a spectacular and scary mountain road through Oak Creek Canyon to Sedona. Breathtaking! Then it was on to Jerome so we could listen to cousin/ nephew Aaron entertain in the Spirit Room. Great time! Matt treated us all to dinner at a cool restaurant in old Jerome. We both were glad we stopped, even if it meant getting to our Phoenix home after dark. Some scenes from our trip:

"Quaint" shirt for sale at truck stop in New Mexico.  :-(
Moondog (Aaron)
The Spirit Room!
Beautiful highway 89A through Oak Creek  Canyon 
View from mountain town Jerome
Starting a Sunday morning hike with Matt and my good friend Alice.
Finally home and ready to practice my putting.

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